Rock n' Roll

Jerry Garcia (1974) - Catalog #03

Jerry Garcia (1974) - Catalog #04

Jerry Garcia (1976) - Catalog #10 -

Grateful Dead (1976) - Catalog #07

Grateful Dead - Wall of Sound (1974) - Catalog #9

Carlos Santana (1974) - Catalog #14

Jefferson Starship (1975) - Catalog #19

Steve Miller (1974) - Catalog #22

Jim Morrison & the Doors (1967) - Catalog #23

Crosby - Stills - Nash - Young (1974) - Catalog #25

Neil Young - Acoustic (1974) - Catalog #31

Neil Young - Electric (1974) - Catalog #33

Loggins & Messina (1974) - Catalog #42

Joan Baez (1974) - Catalog #50

Elton John (1975) - Catalog #54

Ian Anderson - Jethro Tull (1975) - Catalog #57

Blues Brothers (1978) - Catalog #65

B. B. King (1974) - Catalog #66

The Who (1976) - Catalog #69

Led Zeppelin (1977) - Catalog #74

Robert Plant - Led Zeppelin (1975) - Catalog #78

Linda Ronstadt (1975) - Catalog #47

Mick Jagger - Rolling Stones (1978) - Catalog #87

Mick Jagger - Rolling Stones (1978) - Catalog #88

Rolling Stones (1975) - Catalog #90

Eric Clapton (1974) - Catalog #92

Paul & Linda McCartney (1976) - Catalog #93

Paul McCartney (1976) - Catalog #94

Paul McCartney - Acoustic (1976) - Catalog #96

George Harrison (1974) - Catalog #98

Billy Preston (1974) - Catalog #99

Bob Dylan & The Band (1974) - Catalog #101

Bob Dylan (1974) - Catalog #102

Bob Dylan (1980) - Catalog #105

The Band - The Last Waltz (1976) - Catalog #106

Eric Clapton - The Last Waltz (1976) - Catalog #109

Joni Mitchell - The Last Waltz (1976) - Catalog #111

Ringo Starr - The Last Waltz (1976) - Catalog #117 -

Rod Stewart (1975) - Catalog #83 -